On My Birthday...誕生日に寄せて


「The Day of My Birth」 - Kahlil Gibran

It was on this day of the year that my
mother brought me into the world; on
this day, a quarter -century past, the
great silence placed me between the arms
of existence, replete with lamentation
and tears and conflics.

........Today I stopped on my road, like the
weary traveler who has not reached his
destination but seeks to ascertain his
position. I look in every direction, but
cannot find trace of any part of my past
at which I might point and say, "This is mine!".

.......But this insignificant entity...
This self which is myself, and whose
motion and clamour I hear constantly,
is now lifting strenthening wings
toward the spacious firmament,
extending hands in all directions,
swaying and shivering upon this day
which brought me into life, and life into me.

And then a tremendous voice arises
from the holy of holies within me, saying,
"Peace be with you, Life!
Peace be with you, Awakening!
Peace be with you, Revelation!".

(Kahlil Gibran: A treasury of Kahlil Gibran 「The Day of My Birth」より抜粋)